Note: regarding the website purpose and the original benefactor.
Edna Lucile Jones Leiser made available to the webmaster a
portion of
the funds that belonged to her step-sister
Katherine Marty Fitz-Gibbon. It was decided
that all those funds would be spent on a passion of Katherine's,
which was the meticulous recording and preserving of family records
and photos.
Katherine, Edna, and their mother, probably more than anyone else in the extended family, were
aware of, and met closely, with many
of their many relatives. Not only with their local
travels, but also with their extended travels about the country.
Hopefully, this Genealogy effort will bring many close relatives together
that never knew one another.
Subsequently, with the growth of the Internet in the ‘90s,
through various reunions that came about because of this effort,
many “lost” and unknown relatives from many thousands of miles
apart, found one another. And, also, some close relatives that
lived quite close to one another, who had never met, got
together and formed lasting friendships. Also, many others
that knew little of "family" history learned of their roots.
Also, many of those that have contributed data and photos have
enjoyed knowing that they are contributing to the enjoyment of
the many persons that will follow through generations to come.
Thus, this website, with the help of many, grew in accuracy
while adding many thousands of related
persons and completely unknown family trees. In this 21st
century, much of the earliest family history and photos are
rapidly becoming forever lost. Their preservation,
particularly in a format of high resolution, is of
the utmost importance.
And of course, the RFamilyData genealogy is expanding
horizontally with the exponential addition of "trees" faster
than it is expanding with new generations.
In addition to the goals of: 1.) Preserving records for posterity for
the access of all interested persons, which especially includes those
of unborn future generations; and, 2.) Bringing closely
related people together who were never aware of one another; it
was realized that assets could be developed that could
provide for the expenses of reunions and as a subsidy for
travel expenses for many that wished such as an aid to meeting
one another as often as possible.
is the most accurate, largest collection of linked photos and
data of Isely/Marty relatives (about 1100
different surnames) found anywhere on the Internet.
Thus, 3.) For others, in the spirit of Edna, a non-profit trust
fund has been proposed for the purpose of protecting said
history and photos, while providing reunion funds.